Mens Wedding Rings

When we think of jewellery, our minds generally turn to engagement rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets. We’re also usually thinking of the ladies.

At Leskes Jewellers in Peregian Beach we also have a wide range of mens wedding bands.

Mens wedding bands come in a range of styles, sizes and metals.

The two usual styles are the classic ring or the cuff ring.

The classic ring is a more traditional wedder that has a rounded profile on the finger.

The cuff ring is a more contemporary design that has a more square profile on the finger.

Either style is available in a range of metals including gold (rose, white or yellow), platinum, palladium, titanium and tungsten. The staff at Leskes Jewellers will guide your choice based on things like how often you will wear your wedding ring and what type of job you do. For example, we wouldn’t advise a tradesperson that is wearing his ring on a continuous basis to choose a softer metal such as gold. A more suitable metal would be titanium or tungsten.

Either style is also available in a range of sizes and widths.

Traditionally, mens wedders have either had a plain finish or a brush finish. Grooms in the Sunshine Coast Region are opting for something a little more unique, with patterned bands, coloured bands and diamond studded bands becoming more and more popular.

Leskes Jewellers in Peregian Beach has a wide range of mens wedding bands and can also custom make any particular design preferred by the groom.

So rest assured gentleman, we haven’t forgotten you. Visit our Peregian Beach store soon or check us out on Instagram to see what all the fuss is about.